Tour Guide

By Patrick O’Connell

I find that it is helpful to restate familiar scripture in different words.  It prevents me from glossing over profound truths because I have heard them so often.  Recently, I re-prayed a favorite psalm in this way.  Any resemblance to Ps. 23 is not coincidental!


What an adventure life is with you as my tour guide...

You've made such comprehensive arrangements for accommodations, food, daily activities, and marvelous relationships.

When I think about it, I realize you've already been down every path my seemingly random life takes me; thus I can really relax and refuse the burden of self-reliance. Ah! How life-giving!

Even when things look completely out of control and the result of evil designs, I know that if I stay real close to you, you'll defeat my foes for me and I'll make it through unscathed: faith intact.

Though my enemies lurk nearby, you invite me to dine and dance, to laugh and sing in your shadow-shattering presence.

When I view my life through your God-breathed perspective, it infuses me with such faith that I just know my life will consist of an acceleration of joy as you reveal more and yet more of your goodness and continue to mercifully forgive my many mess-ups as long as I live.