When the going gets tough -- love one another
/John in his brief second letter seems to be writing to a church undergoing some duress. Exactly what the issues are we have to deduce from the letter, but what strikes me is John’s instruction to the church. Basically what he has to say is, “when the going gets tough, love one another”. This is the commandment we had from the beginning, this is the one to stick with when things are unclear or when the pressure is mounting or you don’t know what to do – love one another.
As I was discussing this with some brothers and sisters in our Bible study recently, I was struck with how relevant this is for us in The Word of God right now. We are trying to clarify our vision and move into a more missional direction. Some things are changing, some things are not, and nothing is flowing with breathtaking power. In the midst of this do we grow impatient, lose heart, give up? John tells us what to do – go back to the basics and love one another.
Mother Theresa said “Don’t look for big things, just do small things with great love.” This is a good corrective for those of us you hunger for inspiring and clear vision. Don’t wait until you have it. do the small things before us each day with great love. As we do so, we participate in the great vision of He who is Love, and I believe our own part will become clearer.
Stay calm and love on!