Your Covenant; Your Corner of the Kingdom, by Patrick O'Connell
/ I gave a talk at a recent prayer meeting based on a chapter from Mike Breen’s book, Covenant & Kingdom, in which he follows these themes from Genesis to Revelations. He illustrates how these two themes repeatedly draw the believer’s attention to the overarching purpose of the Father to increase our capacity to live as citizens of heaven on earth. The talk (archived on the Word of God website for Feb. 17, 2013) addressed ways that King David’s understanding of Covenant and Kingdom informed his thinking and actions from poet shepherd to protector king. We didn’t have time for some of the ‘Practical Tips’ portion of the talk, so here they are. Try listening to my talk the others in the Covenant & Kingdom series and consider how the Spirit of God may want to use these suggestions for his glory and your benefit as his disciples.
Three applications for us as heirs of the Covenant and representatives of the King.
First, the covenant promises oneness. We are one with God. He is one with us. Daily we have the privilege of accessing this reality all it takes is time…
- Time to adore,
- Time to intercede,
- Time to meditate:
- On Creation/ Creator,
- On Sinful leanings already forgiven,
- On God’s character expressed in accounts of Jesus words and actions and attitudes…
- On the whisperings of Spirit to spirit… and as we spend time hearing from God we can record this in a journal of some sort…
Second, we can use the covenant’s promise of shared authority and power to extend the King’s rule…
- In our lives - By discussing with someone things we’ve been shown about our character vs. God’s character which need to change, and some steps involved in doing so
- In the lives of others
- By including them, as led by the Spirit, in our lives
- By praying for their felt needs
- Through direct prayer ministry like praying over them for healing or offering unbound prayer.
Thirdly, we can continually seek God for wisdom to know how to join Jesus in his ongoing mission as he addresses the injustices of our day to the orphan, the disabled, the poor, the neighbor in great emotional pain, those enslaved to sin, those enslaved by the sin of others, the widow, the international.
- To get a hint of which of these (or other) injustices Jesus may be calling you to invest in correcting, just prayerfully read the list while noticing which situations which come to mind cause you the greatest sorrow, pain or anger.