Community Life Nights -- 2011
/Join us for this summer’s first Word of God -
Community Life Night
5:30 – 8 pm, Saturday: June 18
@ Westminster Presbyterian Church
1500 Scio Church Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
What’s it all about?
þ Pot-luck Dinner with the extended community family
- Bring a dessert or salad to share.
- Main dish & beverage will be provided
þ Program for youth of all ages
þ Great groups & activities for adults & teens
- C S Lewis, The Great Divorce ~Part 1- Marsha Williamson
- Visit and craft- Terri & Michelle Flanagan bring a craft or learn a new one. We will also learn finger knitting, for children.
- Line Dancing for all ages –
- Digital Photography. ‘Hands-on’ guided practice ~bring a camera with charged battery & manual – Coral Lee & Kristen Joh
- Optional [based on interest] Soccer/ Basketball & Board game(s)
þ A taste of community life in the rush of our week!
Body Life Evangelism – Bring a Friend!
Come and see. The best way for folks to find out about Jesus and his people is to hang out with them. It worked for the New Testament church. It worked for the early community. It works today!
Bring your friends, relatives, neighbors … even your enemies! and let them taste Kingdom life and a little potluck dinner for themselves. If they try it, they’ll like it!