EACH -- Vision
/each VISION brings churches together for Gospel
“And the word of the Lord was being spread through the whole region” (Acts 13:49).
They saturated their world with the gospel. No tools; just “good news”.
“When they came to Greece, the people said, “These men who have turned the world upside down have now come here!” (Acts 17:6). What an amazing achievement.
J. B. Phillips said, “Perhaps if we believed what they believed, we might achieve what they achieved.” He was right. We believe the same good news; we just don’t move with the same confidence and passion.
E.A.C.H. calls us to turn our region upside down with the gospel. It’s about the body of Christ coming together to give everyone a chance to hear the life-changing, eternity-rescuing message of amazing grace . . . in 40 days.
TIME magazine wrote: “Detroit has become an icon of the failed American city.” Ouch! But really, they’re right. Their closing line reads like a challenge to the body of Christ: “The world is watching Detroit to see if it can find a way to rise from the ashes.”
We know the way. Will we make the Way known, conspicuously, loudly, thoroughly?
May it someday be written of the body of Christ in metro-Detroit: “And the word of the Lord was being spread through THEIR whole region.”
Now is our time to give Everyone A Chance to Hear.
This is the vision behind EACH – Everyone A Chance to Hear. 300 churches and ministries in Southeach Michigan have already joined together to saturate our region with the word of the Lord – in word and deed! You can learn more by going to www.EACHtoday.com.
If your church is not already involved, share about EACH with your pastor and urge him to join the movement to impact our region in its hour of need with the hope and life of the Gospel.