EACH -- Why
What is EACH and why would we want to get involved?
When I first heard about EACH, Everyone A Chance to Hear, I admit that I was skeptical. ‘Another over-hyped, evangelistic program that will blow over without much effect’. But the Spirit moved me to take a closer look. This was different and seemed to have the ‘aroma of life’ about it. What makes it different?
- It didn’t start out as a grand scheme to impact the whole region, one church shared their vision for reaching their vicinity and the Spirit stirred dozens of others to join and expanded the vision
- The most basic strategy is ‘incarnational evangelism’, equipping the people of God to share their story and hear their non-Christian friends stories, building a relational foundation.
- EACH is not looking to become an ongoing institution. It is focused on saturating our region with the Good News in the 40 days after Easter. And then it is over!
- However, a key aspect of EACH is the relationships being built between churches across denominational, racial, urban-suburban, and other divides. These will carry on beyond EACH and impact the destiny of our region.
- There is a conviction that ‘good news’ must be combined with ‘good deeds’ and so multiple projects of service are being developed by individual churches, churches working in groups, and the overall EACH network.
- Everything is being undergirded by prayer. What is needed is for God to break in, using His people, but exceeding anything that human effort could organize.
These are just some of the reasons I sense God at work in the EACH movement. As the Leadership Team has learned about it, we are excited about The Word of God playing a part along with other churches and ministries in Washtenaw County, and in partnership with churches across the region. Stay tuned for lots more information, but if you want to learn more now, you can go to www.EACHtoday.com.
We want to put together a team of folks to lead our involvement with EACH, so if you would like to help, please contact Phil Tiews at 994-3243 or phil@thewordofGodcommunity.org right away!